Sunday, September 11, 2011


Certain things in life cannot be anticipated unlike the kind of pelf that one encompasses in the bank account. Life is not made up of a single entity though the body is one. Certain priorities, the arteries of blissful survival as social animals sometimes turn out to be a fiasco, a debacle, but that cannot be labeled as the unplugging of the life support tube. The human or for that matter all animals possess two very vital parts; the brain and the heart. The brain finds a snug place in the cranium which shields it like a caterpillar in the cocoon which in next to no time turns into a beautiful butterfly, with a difference in the outcome though. Every caterpillar evolves into arresting butterflies but the wits of human are not perpetually stunning. The brain unlike other organs cannot be transplanted which is one reason why it takes charge of the whole body commanding and ordering and transfusing itself through an assortment of channels, the five senses like a monarch who knows he can never be dethroned no matter what and does whatever he wants with his subjects. The subjects may be brainwashed or conditioned or persuaded is not the point but they follow and carry out the instructions willingly or half-heartedly. As a matter of fact human beings inherit and tag along this sovereign in different parts of the body. In some one can see it brimming through the mouth, whereas in some through the muscles, the eyes, the boobs, the bottom, the complexion, the calves, the hips etc. They are used to seduce, rape, molest, usurp, abuse, assault, create, destroy, harm, save, etc for better or for worse. In spite of the fact that this monarch finds himself immune against all odds from his subjects he also has a rival in the heart. 

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